Employee Permission Hours Management in Odoo ERP
Permission Management module allows the employee to apply permission for a duration of 1 hour for two days in a month
Enterprise Leave Management software using Odoo ERP
Maintaining leave records is an important and tedious task in a Company and OdooERP makes it easier by providing a systematic workflow
Are you worried about Employee Resignation Management ? Odoo ERP can help you out.
The HR Resignation module in OdooERP manages the employee resignation/exit process.
Manage Employee Expenses using Expense Management in Odoo
Expense Management in Odoo is a solution for the management of Expense records in a Company. Expense records are managed efficiently in OdooERP system
Do you know Odoo ERP provides simplified Employee Loans management for loan requests, disbursements and repayments ?
OdooERP provides an option to maintain hassle free Employee Loans management for Employees as well as HR and Accounting persons.
Quick overview about Odoo Human Resource Management System
Odoo Human Resource Management is used to manage the Employee data, Leaves, Attendance, Expenses, Recruitment, Appraisal, Resignation etc...