Pentaho+ Upgrade Comparison
Here are the top reasons why you should always be upgrading your software to the latest version.
Why do we need to upgrade Pentaho+?
Before we go into the details let us really see how this could help your enterprise to overcome the challenges you face currently?
How easy to upgrade the Pentaho+ Server?
Briefly on Chimney, the Pentaho audit and upgrade tool developed by TenthPlanet technologies
Why we need to upgrade the Pentaho+ Server?
Server and their features should be up-to-date. Upgrading the server will come with new features and add-on.
Audit report of the Pentaho+ BA Server – Chimney Tool
Blog is about the audit tool, named as "Chimney" build and developed by the Tenth planet team. It exports the report on your current setup of the server
Challenges While Upgrading Pentaho+ BA Server From 4.8 To 6.0
Challenges in upgrade from Pentaho 4.8 to Pentaho 6.0 BA server and solutions for each challenges.