Quit the monotonous Attendance Management Technique and try Odoo Attendance Module
Odoo is one step ahead by providing a minimum of two methods to manage the attendance in an Organization.
Employee Timesheet handled by Odoo ERP
Timesheet is a method of tracking the employee’s working time under every project and the specific task.To make this work in a more systematic way, Odoo Timesheet Module can be used in Organizations.
Odoo ERP can provide flexible Inventory Management system to an Organization
The Inventory Management module is highly flexible and robust
Maintain the Equipment in your Organization using Odoo ERP Maintenance Module
Odoo ERP Maintenance Module takes the responsibility to maintain the quality of the equipment by various protocols
Taking a Database Backup is now easier with Odoo ERP
With Odoo ERP Apps, provides a simple, safe and an automatic way to take the backup of the Database.
How to send instant chat notifications to Employees using Odoo ERP?
Auto push chat notifications gives an instant notification whenever an action takes place like, Leave Request or a Helpdesk Ticket.