Pentaho+ Server Configuration In Nginx With Mutiple Domain and Same Context Name
Below are the step to be followed for configuration of Pentaho BA server using Nginx with multiple domain.
Pentaho+ API commands for Directory Service and User Administration
Following are the Pentaho API commands that can be used in terminal for various operations
Pentaho+ utility to make CRON expressions human readable
A CRON expression is a string consisting of six or seven sub expressions (fields) that describe individual details of the schedule.
Pentaho+ Web Spoon Deployment Challenges
Challenges in deployment of web spoon and solutions for each challenge.
Why do we need to upgrade Pentaho+?
Before we go into the details let us really see how this could help your enterprise to overcome the challenges you face currently?
Why we need to upgrade the Pentaho+ Server?
Server and their features should be up-to-date. Upgrading the server will come with new features and add-on.