Steps to backup and restore File repository in Pentaho+ Business Analytics

tenthplanet blog pentaho Steps to backup and restore File repository in Pentaho

Move File repository using export import for Pentaho Business Analytics

1. Importing to Pentaho Repository

a. From the Pentaho User Console Home, click Browse Files. The Browse Files page appears.

b. From the Browse pane on the left, click to choose the destination folder for the upload.

c. With the destination folder highlighted, click Upload in the Folder Actions pane on the right. The Upload dialog box appears.

d. Browse to the file or folder to be uploaded by clicking Browse.

e. Click OK to begin upload using the default settings.

f. Choose preferences for the upload by clicking to expand the Advanced Options menu.

g. Choose Replace the Existing File or Do Not Upload from the first menu.

h. Choose File Permissions from the second menu. The choices are Do Not Change Permissions or Retain Permissions on the Uploaded File.

i. If you selected Retain Permissions on the Uploaded File, choose File Ownership by selecting Do Not Change Owner or Set Owner Based on Uploaded File from the third menu.

j. Choose None, Short, or Verbose from the Logging menu.

k. Click OK.

2. Importing through Command Line

a. Open the command line interface by clicking Start and typing cmd. Press Enter.

b. From the command line interface, go to the location where you have a local copy of Biserver-EE installed, such as /home/pentaho/server.

c. Enter a space, then type the arguments for upload into the command line interface. A completed upload argument would look something like this:

$ import-export.bat --import --url=http://ip:port/pentaho --username=admin --password=password --charset=UTF-8 --path=/public --file-path=/home/Downloads/ --overwrite=true --permission=true --retainOwnership=true

d. Press Enter after the arguments are typed.

3. Exporting from Pentaho+ Repository

Export Folder contains many files:

a. From the Pentaho+ User Console Home, click Browse Files. The Browse Files page appears.

b. From the Browse pane on the left, browse to the location of the folder to be downloaded.

c. With the folder highlighted, click Download in the Folder Actions pane on the right.

d. Choose Save File in the window that appears, and click OK.

e. The folder is saved as a .zip file with the manifest located in the top level of the file.

Export files individually:

a. From the User Console Home, click Browse Files. The Browse Files page appears.

b. Browse to the location of the file by clicking through the folders in the Browse pane on the left. The Files pane in the center populates with a list of reports.

c. Click to select the file in the Files pane and choose Download in the Folder Actions pane on the right.

d. Choose Save File in the window that appears, and click OK.

e. The file is saved as a .zip file with the manifest located in the top level of the file.

Export through Command Line:

a. Open the command line interface by clicking Start and typing cmd. Press Enter.

b. From the command line interface, go to the location where you have a local copy of Biserver-EE installed, such as /home/dev701/pentaho/server.

c. Enter a space, then type the arguments for download into the command line interface. A completed download argument would look something like this:

import-export.bat --export --url=http://ip:port/pentaho --username=dvader --password=password --charset=UTF-8 --path=/public --file-path=/home/Downloads/ --overwrite=true --permission=true --retainOwnership=true

d. Press Enter after the arguments are typed.

Move File repository using export-import for Pentaho data integration

1. Importing to Pentaho+ Repository

a. In Spoon, go to Tools > Repository > Import Repository.

b. Locate the export (XML) file that contains the solution repository contents.

c. Click Open. The Directory Selection dialog box appears.

d. Select the directory in which you want to import the repository.

e. Click OK.

f. Enter a comment, if applicable.

g. Wait for the import process to complete.

h. Click Close.

2. Import through Command Line

a. Go to pentaho server appropriate path and run the below command,

$ sh -rep=TestRepo -user=admin -pass=password -dir=/home/dev701 -file=myTestJob.kjb -rules=import-rules.xml -coe=false -replace=true -comment="New version upload from UAT"

3. Exporting from Pentaho Plus Repository

a. In Spoon, go to Tools > Repository > Export Repository.

b. In the Save As dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save the export file.

c. Type a name for your export file in the File Name text box.
Note: The export file will be saved in XML format regardless of the file extension used.

d. Click Save.