Gift Product in Compiere

tenthplanet blog compiere Gift Product

Description of Gift Product

Gift Product tab maintains the gift products which are purchased from the 3rd party vendors. This gives clear separation of Gift products with Normal products.

Scenario(When / Why do we need this feature)

Without the maintenance of Gift products details & stock. There is no clear idea on gift products list and their current stock as well. So could not make decision about the future campaigns and promotions.

How did the feature transform the business process

In the Gift Product screen, allows us to configure the products details which are provided as gifts. Along with their UOM(Unit of measure) and tax category as well. In NTA Purchase Orders we can capture the purchase transactions of Gift Products to maintain the stock informations. So we can have complete control over the Gift Products details and their current stock.

Next In Action: Gift Product Promotions

Author: Sudhir

Price: $2

Category: Gift Product

Tags: Gift, Product, UOM, Compiere, stock, campaigns, promotions
