Pentaho+ Web Spoon Deployment Challenges
User authentication cannot be validated
- After Pentaho+ Web spoon is deployed user login screen is not configured.
- Once Pentaho+ Web spoon is configured, access in browser. No login screen occurs.
- Connect Pentaho Plus Web spoon with a repository and enable Launch connection on startup. Every time browser is reloaded, login credentials in asked.
Login page issue
- Login page does not work after giving user credentials.
- In the Web browser, after giving user credentials, the login page becomes empty.
- Reload the browser and close the browser completely and again open spoon in a new browser. Now give the user credentials.
Schedule cannot be created:
- Pentaho+ Web spoon schedule feature does not work.
- In the browser, there will not be any schedule key in Pentaho Plus Web spoon.
- Create a schedule in cron tab, or if repository is been used, open the Pentaho+ in browser and create schedules.
Pentaho Plus Transformation cannot be locked to a single user:
- A same transformation can be used by several users at a same time.
- Open a transformation in a particular user, lock the transformation. Now open the transformation in another user credential. The transformation can be accessed.
- Create a directory for each user, and each users must access the files inside the assigned directory for them.
Data source connection is not shared across web:
- Data source connection created in one system is not shared to another system.
- Create a data source connection, open web spoon in another system. The data source connection will not be available in other system.
- Rather than using Pentaho+ web spoon stand alone, connect Pentaho Plus web spoon with a repository, by which user authentication and data source connection does not occur.