Top 5 signs – It’s Time To Upgrade Your Compiere ERP

TenthPlanet-Compiere-5 Signs You Need To Upgrade Compiere ERP

Why you should upgrade your Compiere ERP software to the latest version?

A lot of factors drive a business to get upgraded to the newer version of the Compiere ERP system. To name a few such as pain points experienced currently, not achieving business needs and goals, Top level management changes, Tie up with or being bought by other companies, staleness in efficiency & growth, inaccurate data, etc.

Compiere ERP software in your organization must be upgraded with the latest version to enhance business processes more efficiently and stay competitive with new features in the recent version of the ERP software.

Given below are the top 5 signs that your Compiere ERP software must be upgraded to the latest version.

  1. Increasing expenses on ERP software maintenance
  2. Lack of real-time data visibility & OOTB functionality
  3. Unable to integrate with other systems or platforms
  4. Cannot customize and dependent on IT support
  5. Not able to satisfy ever-changing business needs

Let’s see all the top 5 signs that say the time has arrived to update the Compiere ERP application in detail.

#1: Increasing expenses on ERP software maintenance

An outdated Compiere ERP software created unexpected errors and unwanted problems which cost you money to get fixed. Investing money for upgrading your legacy Compiere ERP system is not spending. It is wise to upgrade Compiere ERP software rather than spend it on maintaining outdated ERP software. Almost, all of the enterprise vendors will add 6% to 7% of the cost for Compiere ERP maintenance every year. You will realize better ROI after migrating Compiere ERP to the latest version.

#2: Lack of real-time data visibility & OOTB functionality

An old version of Compiere ERP systems is not consistent in getting real-time operational data. So, you are clueless about when an issue will arise, hard to find out and fix the existing problems. Misleading data in ERP paves the way to arrive at wrong decisions. You have to stick with native functionalities as it does not support custom features.

#3: Unable to integrate with other systems or platforms

Outdated ERPs will not adopt the latest technologies. It will be very annoying and difficult to integrate an outdated Compiere ERP system with other line-of-business(LOB) systems. Data centralization will be very challenging when Compiere ERP becomes outdated.

#4: Cannot customize and dependent on IT support

Too much customization in Compiere ERP based on the organization’s needs make your Compiere ERP more complex in long run. When Compiere ERP systems become outdated, they may not support custom code changes. It is common for all businesses to customize Compiere ERP to satisfy their needs. But, every customization done must be documented and all the Compiere ERP users should be aware of those customizations. Also, some customization is not possible at all with the outdated Compiere ERP. It makes you dependent on an IT person or Open source Compiere ERP service providers.

#5: Not able to satisfy ever-changing business needs

The needs of every business are not the same. The level of customization done in an ERP is based on one’s own needs. ERP used in an organization must be capable of customizing and meeting the needs of the business. By having outdated ERP software, it is not possible to achieve the competitive market needs.

Upgrading your Compiere ERP software to the newest release will save you in many aspects in the long run. If you are having an outdated version of Compiere ERP in your business now, it would be the correct time to go for an upgrade. Running a legacy Compiere ERP application will cost you more money.

Migrate your Compiere ERP to the latest version using TenthPlanet Compiere ERP Upgrade Services

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