Tips for a successful Compiere ERP upgrade

Even thought you need it or not, upgrading your Compiere ERP to latest version is mandatory for streamline processes and growth of your business. When Compiere ERP is upgraded successfully with proper planning and informed decision-making, it transforms your business, improves your user experience and enhance efficiency. But, when not upgraded properly, it disrupts your core business operations and hinders continuity of your business.
The following Compiere ERP upgrade tips will help you in meeting your business needs.
Find out bottlenecks and benchmark
Ensure whether any pain points or barriers that may arise while performing Compiere ERP upgrade. Let’s say, financial close, improper data integration and low user adoption, etc. Benchmark the problems and find ways to fix it. Noting down the pros and cons can help to know where your current ERP system is lacking and need improvements.
Bring in all levels of Compiere ERP users
Employ all the end users of Compiere ERP from all departments in all phases of Compiere ERP upgrade. Employees cannot adapt to the upgraded Compiere ERP system and will take some time to get comfortable. Proper training is needed to learn and understand the newer version of Compiere ERP. So, consider checking even the small day to day task is doable with the new Compiere ERP.
Perform a gap analysis
Do an in depth gap analysis to find out if Compiere ERP satisfies all your business needs after upgrade. If any misalignment exists, you have 3 options to fill the gaps such as
- Have a third-party system to fix it
- Customize Compiere ERP software and achieve your requirements
- Change your business to fit with what the ERP software provides
By knowing the gaps before commencing the Compiere ERP upgrade process, you will get to know well in advance about how much time the ERP upgrade will take, Total ERP upgrade cost and how Compiere ERP system will work post upgrade.
Formulate an implementation plan
Have a solid implementation plan and strategy. Understand all areas of Compiere ERP upgrade project and know the changes it makes in your core business operations and the time and money needed. Match the software vendor’s proposal with real-world scenario and get clear about how it is going to be and meet your needs.
Be ready to handle data mapping
Some vendors accepts to do Data mapping along with upgrade. But, most of the Compiere ERP vendors will ask the implementing company to clean up and map your old data in the new system.
Do not deviate from scope of the project
Compiere ERP upgrade project expenses can easily be doubled if business requirements change or any customizations needed during the upgrade. Always, stick with the original requirements agreement to avoid unnecesary costs.
Have a change management plan
Keep a change management plan to handle changes which may needed to accomplish your needs. Be clear in how many changes are allowed, who can make the changes and how the changes impacts the cost of the upgrade and will the project completion date extend. Too many change requests will delay your ERP upgrade and spend more money and time.
Educate and train users
Instead of giving training to Compiere ERP end users on how to use new ERP functions, educate them about what they’re actually doing and why they should take advantage of the new ERP functionality. Make them understand the concepts behind the new ERP and why we have upgraded Compiere ERP.
Follow up & evaluate ERP post upgrade
Follow up each and every Compiere ERP user personally after the upgrade for some weeks. Ask them if they have any questions, concerns or any other details needed about the ERP. Get all the questions cleared and satisfy their needs. This helps them to easily adapt with the new ERP quickly.