Steps to backup and restore Pentaho repository

tenthplanet blog pentaho Steps to backup and restore Pentaho repository

Backup and Restore Database repository for Pentaho BA server

1. Exporting From DB repository:

a. Open a cmd window and point the directory to the install location of your running Pentaho BA server.
b. Use the import-export script with your arguments for backing up the repository.
c. Press Enter.


import-export.bat --backup --url=http://ip:8080/pentaho --username=admin --password=password --file-path=c:/home/Downloads/ --logfile=c:/temp/logfile.log


./ --backup --url=http://ip:8080/pentaho --username=admin --password=password --file-path=/home/Downloads/ --logfile=/temp/logfile.log

2. Importing to DB Repository

a. Open a terminal window and change the directory to the install location of your running Pentaho BA server.
b. Use the import-export script with your arguments for restoring the repository.
c. Press Enter.


import-export.bat --restore --url=http://ip:8080/pentaho --username=admin --password=password --file-path=c:/home/Downloads/ --overwrite=true --logfile=c:/temp/logfile.log


./ --restore --url= --username=admin --password=password --file-path=/home/Downloads/ --overwrite=true --logfile=/temp/logfile.log

Backup and Restore Database repository for Pentaho data integration

1. Exporting from DB Repository

a. Open a cmd window and point the directory to the install location of your running Pentaho DI server.
b. Use the import-export script with your arguments for backing up the repository.
c. Press Enter.


import-export.bat --backup --url=http://ip:port/pentaho-di --username=admin --password=password --file-path=c:/home/Downloads/ --logfile=c:/temp/logfile.log


./ --backup --url=http://ip:port/pentaho-di --username=admin --password=password --file-path=/home/Downloads/ --logfile=/temp/logfile.log

2. Importing to DB Repository

a. Open a terminal window and change the directory to the install location of your running Pentaho DI server.
b. Use the import-export script with your arguments for restoring the repository.
c. Press Enter.


import-export.bat --restore --url=http://ip:port/pentaho-di --username=admin --password=password --file-path=c:/home/Downloads/ --overwrite=true --logfile=c:/temp/logfile.log


./ --restore --url=http://ip:port/pentaho-di --username=admin --password=password --file-path=/home/Downloads/ --overwrite=true --logfile=/temp/logfile.log