Steps to backup and restore Pentaho+ repository

tenthplanet blog pentaho Steps to backup and restore Pentaho repository

Backup and Restore Database repository for Pentaho+ BA server

1. Exporting From DB repository:

a. Open a cmd window and point the directory to the install location of your running Pentaho+ BA server.
b. Use the import-export script with your arguments for backing up the repository.
c. Press Enter.


import-export.bat --backup --url=http://ip:8080/pentaho --username=admin --password=password --file-path=c:/home/Downloads/ --logfile=c:/temp/logfile.log


./ --backup --url=http://ip:8080/pentaho --username=admin --password=password --file-path=/home/Downloads/ --logfile=/temp/logfile.log

2. Importing to DB Repository

a. Open a terminal window and change the directory to the install location of your running Pentaho Plus BA server.
b. Use the import-export script with your arguments for restoring the repository.
c. Press Enter.


import-export.bat --restore --url=http://ip:8080/pentaho --username=admin --password=password --file-path=c:/home/Downloads/ --overwrite=true --logfile=c:/temp/logfile.log


./ --restore --url= --username=admin --password=password --file-path=/home/Downloads/ --overwrite=true --logfile=/temp/logfile.log

Backup and Restore Database repository for Pentaho data integration

1. Exporting from DB Repository

a. Open a cmd window and point the directory to the install location of your running Pentaho+ DI server.
b. Use the import-export script with your arguments for backing up the repository.
c. Press Enter.


import-export.bat --backup --url=http://ip:port/pentaho-di --username=admin --password=password --file-path=c:/home/Downloads/ --logfile=c:/temp/logfile.log


./ --backup --url=http://ip:port/pentaho-di --username=admin --password=password --file-path=/home/Downloads/ --logfile=/temp/logfile.log

2. Importing to DB Repository

a. Open a terminal window and change the directory to the install location of your running Pentaho+ DI server.
b. Use the import-export script with your arguments for restoring the repository.
c. Press Enter.


import-export.bat --restore --url=http://ip:port/pentaho-di --username=admin --password=password --file-path=c:/home/Downloads/ --overwrite=true --logfile=c:/temp/logfile.log


./ --restore --url=http://ip:port/pentaho-di --username=admin --password=password --file-path=/home/Downloads/ --overwrite=true --logfile=/temp/logfile.log