Pentaho+ utility to make CRON expressions human readable
As we know reading the CRON expression is quite difficult, it becomes necessary to convert them into human-readable format. So we have developed a utility in Pentaho+ that will convert into a text with ease and used for creating schedules in Pentaho+ ETL
About CRON:
A CRON expression is a string consisting of six or seven sub expressions (fields) that describe individual details of the schedule. These fields, separated by white space, can contain any of the allowed values with various combinations of the allowed characters for that field.
Sample Expression:
This utility converts a CRON expression into a human-readable text.
Output of the utility:
- Supports -,*/ characters in Seconds.
- Supports -,*/ characters in Minutes.
- Supports -,*/ characters in Hours
- Supports -,*/? characters in Day of Month
- Supports -,*/ characters in Month
- Supports -,*/? characters in Day of Week
- Supports -,*/ characters in the year
CRON Expression Conversion in Pentaho+: