Pentaho Performance Optimal RAM setup based on underlying infra

tenthplanet blog pentaho Pentaho Performance Optimal RAM setup based on underlying infra

Pentaho Performance Optimal Steps

Increase the Memory Limit in PDI

  • Exit Pentaho Spoon if it is currently running.
  • Edit your Pentaho Spoon startup script and modify the -Xmx value so that it specifies a larger upper memory limit.
PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
  • Start Pentaho Spoon again.
  • Instead of modifying the Pentaho Spoon startup script, you can also set the environment variable
PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS equal to -Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m on your client.

Increase Pentaho Server Memory Limit

  • Go to /pentaho/server/pentaho-server/tomcat/bin/ directory and run the ./ command to stop the appropriate server.
  • Change the directory to pentaho-server/scripts.
  • Edit the file.
  • Locate the line under start tomcat, which looks like this:
export JAVA OPTS="-Dpentaho.installed.licenses.file=/opt/pentaho/.installedLicenses.xml -Xms128m Xmx768m -XX-MaxPermSize=256m -Dsun.rmi.dyc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000"
  • Set the memory to a minimum of 4096 M and a maximum of 6144 M, depending on your computer’s memory capabilities.
  • Start the Tomcat server or service.

Increase the Memory Limit in Weka

  • Exit Weka if it is currently running.
  • If you are running Weka standalone from the command line, modify your Java command to include an -Xmx line that specifies a large upper memory limit.
    java -Xmx2g weka.jar
  • If you are running Weka as part of a script, change your Java invocation so that it includes the above -Xmx setting.
  • Start Weka and ensure that there are no memory-related exceptions

Increase the Memory Limit in Pentaho Report Designer

  • Exit Pentaho Report Designer if it is currently running.
  • Edit the report-designer script and modify the value of -Xmx to allocate more memory to Report Designer’s JVM instance.
"$_PENTAHO_JAVA" "-Dpentaho.installed.licenses.file=$PENTAHO_INSTALLED_LICENSE_PATH" -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx2g -jar "$DIR/launcher.jar" $@
  • Start Report Designer and ensure that there are no memory-related exceptions.

Increase the Memory Limit in Pentaho Aggregation Designer

  • Exit Pentaho Aggregation Designer if it is currently running.
  • Edit the start aggregation designer script and modify your Java command to include an -Xmx line that specifies a large upper memory limit.
"$_PENTAHO_JAVA" $LICENSEPARAMETER -Xmx2g -jar "$DIR/lib/launcher-1.0.0.jar"