Compiere ERP Database Types and Licensing Options


To run your ERP and CRM information and perform transactions, Compiere needs a database management software. Compiere ERP application is certified to work with Oracle (Express, Standard, Standard One and Enterprise Editions) and EnterpriseDB Postgres Plus Advanced Server. You can choose from a range of database platform and pricing options based on your needs.

Getting an enterprise database software is mostly very expensive and complicated. Compiere is an authorized reseller for both Oracle Corporation and EnterpriseDB Corporation. Compiere helps you in acquiring a database software license exactly needed for your Compiere ERP solution and make it as easy as possible.

  • Oracle for Compiere
  • Postgres Plus Advanced Server for Compiere
  • Application-specific Full Use Database Licenses for your Compiere Solution

You can get Compiere application-specific full-use database licenses at affordable prices with scalability, reporting and deployment features.

To get robust platform for managing your Compiere application, Choosing Oracle or Postgres Plus Advanced Server database technology.

No limitation in Data Storage:

You can scale your Compiere ERP software and data store over time. Your storage capacity is limited only by computer and storage hardware.

3rd Party Reporting:

Various reporting options within the Compiere application to generate reports about your Compiere data either on-screen or printed reports. You may access data through 3rd party reporting tools as well.

Solution Support:

The database and tools licensed from Compiere are backed by Compiere, and in turn by Oracle Corporation and EnterpriseDB Corporation. Compiere provides a single source for comprehensive technical support and software maintenance for your Compiere solution.

Flexi Options in Licensing:

Compiere licenses are yearly based and needs to be renewed every year. Database software license provided by Compiere is an “application-specific full use license” which can be used only in applications connected with Compiere. This software license cannot be used with any other applications.

Licensing Metrics:

Compiere Database software can be obtained in two different licensing options:

  • User-based licensing
  • Processor-based licensing

User-based licensing:

User licensing provides phenomenal value for businesses that can accurately find and count the number of authorized Compiere users. A minimum of 10 users is with per named user Licensing. The precise number of users cannot be counted for customers who deploy web stores or other self-service functionality. For those customers, User-based licensing is not available

Processor-based licensing:

Based on the number of all processors installed and/or running in the database, Processor licensing is given by Compiere. Processor licensing is the choice for customers who have Compiere self-service functionalities or who have licensing for larger number of named users, Processor licensing is suggested.

Additional Licensing Options:

Compiere provides additional licensing options in some scenarios, if you

  • Develop application functionality that is outside Compiere scope
  • Scaling your hardware environment beyond four processors
  • Need access to database vendor’s support services directly

For above scenarios, a full use license may be more applicable.

If you need additional details about Compiere ERP licensing options and Compiere upgrade, support services, Get in touch with an authorized Compiere Gold Partner like TenthPlanet.
